Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A filmtörténet tanulásának túlhűtött krízise a.k.a. the underestimated challenge

And then you just drink your daily deadly coffee. You know it’s the DDC project, just in case. Fake messiah. It’s like the kick of a horse in the head. And the damn fuckin’ horseshoe stays in you brain. When it’s over, you’re wretched. And it’s over in a pretty short time. Sitting on a balkon, looking at your half burnt cigarette. A sip of sorry and you feel like your head is gonna fall. So it does. No way, no reason, you simply can’t have another one of that. So you try cold water, try jumpin’ around like an idiot. No use, but at that moment you’re not even seeking the benefits of what you’re doing. Into the nothingness. We decay. The day is never over. Or at least never will you realise it. Structure lost. Seek structure. Seek and destroy. I’m fed up with symmetry. Passiance. It’s very relaxing. You must first just listen: don’t waste your time on worthless hate and contradiction. Don’t you. The dead souls of Germany, well you never know what hits you. Imitation of life. My dear, thank you for the wonderful translation. I’m bleeding on the ground. My soul is frozen. My heart makes a desperate sound. Those wings are broken. Dark footprints on my back. And an army of scars around. I’m falling from my track. I’m one with the bloody crowd. Can’t you hear the terrible scream of silence filling your world? No future. Don’t dream sweetheart. Doesn’t this remind you of something very certain? We all live in a yellow submarine. Shape shift. Kinetic energy. Where the green ants dream. Bitter tears. Peace and menthol in never ending glorious wounds. The inability to mourn. The Oedipal Riddle. 0 hour 9 a.m. Political establishment. Hope is gone, you’ve lost your way somewhere back in a future uncertain.

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